The India squad for Champions Trophy 2025 was announced by Rohit Sharma and Ajit Agarkar in a press conference held on January 18. But fans have been left baffled seeing the choices for 15-member squad. A lot of them have questioned as to why players like Karun Nair who have performed extremely well have still been left out. While Sanju Samson who did not play Vijay Hazare Trophy was also left out, so on what basis are the squad being picked.
Players With PR Picked Over The Ones With Good Form?
A lot of fans have also said that because players like Sanju Samson and Karun Nair don’t have a strong PR they are conveniently ignored and overlooked despite outstanding performances.
Sanju Samson & Karun Nair’s Stellar Form
Sanju Samson has scored 3 centuries in the last five matches he played with a 50+ average in the ODI format, he also scored a ton against South Africa but still he was left out. Karun Nair on the other hand scored 779 runs in single season of Vijay Hazare Trophy (2024-25) which included 5 centuries, he was in the top form of his career but still ignored by the selectors.
Huge Backlash After India’s Champions Trophy Squad Released
After the squad was released, fans were furious with the selection process and raised questions over picking out of form players in the squad despite have a talent pool that could’ve done wonders and is left waiting for single opportunity.
Shashi Tharoor Raises Big Question
One of the biggest backlash came from Indian politician Shashi Tharoor, he ripped apart the selection process and openly questioned why was Samson dropped despite informing Kerala Cricket Association about his absence from Vijay Hazare Trophy before hand. In his social media post on X (Formerly Twitter) he wrote:
The sorry saga of the Kerala Cricket Association and Sanju Samson — the player wrote to KCA, in advance, regretting his inability to attend a training camp between the SMA and the Vijay Hazare Trophy tournaments, and was promptly dropped from the squad — has now resulted in Sanju’s exclusion from the Indian team. A batsman who has a highest score of 212* in the Hazare, who averages 56.66 in ODIs for India (including a century in his last outing, against South Africa) is having his career destroyed by the egos of cricket administrators. Doesn’t it bother the KCA bosses that by leaving Sanju out, they ensured Kerala didn’t even reach the quarter-finals of the Hazare? Where does this leave him?The Champions Trophy will be beginning from February 19 and India will play their first match in Dubai against Bangladesh on February 20.