Sudhanshu Rai, renowned storyteller, marked Makar Sankranti with the official first-look video of his much-anticipated upcoming sci-fi supernatural thriller film BAIDA. The movie promises to transport the audience to a completely different and intriguing world, consisting of abandoned cottages, lanterns, forests and a web of illusions. Apart from unveiling of the first-look video of ‘Baida’, the makers of the film, Sudhanshu Rai and director Puneet Sharma, have also announced that the movie will release in theatres across India on March 21, 2025.
Talking about ‘Baida’, director Puneet Sharma said, “BAIDA is a tale of illusions, where the lead protagonist played by Sudhanshu traverses through different dimensions and timeframes. As he heads to a destination unknown, he meets someone delusive, and then begins an experience that has never unfolded before the Indian audience before. A story about unimaginable worlds, BAIDA is two hours of pure entertainment, which can only be experienced on the big screen.”
The film’s lead actor and writer Sudhanshu further added, “BAIDA fulfils my promise to my fans and listeners that they will soon get a never-seen-before cinematic experience of the fictional universe that I have created over the years. While it is the story of a former spy entrapped in the dark and sinister world of a man who defies the cycle of time and death, a special treat in store is the on-screen debut of Dr Shekhawat, a character loved by all my listeners. We hope the audience will love the uniquenss and illusionary world of BAIDA.”
Directed by Puneet Sharma, BAIDA is set to be the first-of-its-kind sci-fi supernatural thriller set in the backdrop of India’s Hindi Heartland. The film is based on one of Sudhanshu’s most popular audio stories that has been a favourite among his fans and listeners. While the banner of Saints Art and Kahanikaar Sudhanshu Rai created a differentiator with immensely-loved horror comedy Chaipatti, the filmmakers have definitely upped the ante with the first glimpse of BAIDA.
The cast of the film starring Sudhanshu Rai includes Chaipatti-fame Shobhit Sujay, Detective Boomrah’s Manisha Rai, Tarun Khanna, Sourabh Raaj Jain, Hiten Tejwani, Akhlaq Ahmad Azad and Pradeep Kabra, among others. The Editor of the film is Kantara and 777 Charlie-fame Pratheek Shetty. Abhishek Modak is the Director of Photography.