Masaba Gupta, a renowned fashion designer and actor, welcomed a baby girl with her husband Satyadeep Misra in October 2024. She has finally revealed the name of her daughter as she celebrated three months of embracing motherhood. She also wore a beautiful customised bracelet with the name ‘Matara’ written on it. According to Masaba, Matara means the divine feminine energies of nine Hindu goddesses and celebrates their strength and wisdom.
Announcing the name of her baby girl and flaunting the customised bracelet, Masaba wrote, “3 months with my Matara. The name embodies the divine feminine energies of 9 Hindu goddesses, celebrating their strength and wisdom. Also, the star of our eyes.”
Masaba Gupta, who is one of the most popular fashion designers in India, made her acting debut with the Netflix series ‘Masaba Masaba’. In an interview with Faye D’Souza, she talked about how the show changed her world. She said, “In August, Netflix approached. They were like we have shot Masaba Masaba and we are going to release it. I was shocked. It was amid COVID. They sent a crew over to Goa, we did some marketing and a lot of things virtually. I was nervous. I didn’t know if anyone would watch it. I didn’t think if anybody had the temperament at that time.”
“On August 20, it came out, and my sales head called me and said, ‘We did sales on the website. I think we did some couple of lakhs and suddenly I had some power. I think from then on, I just went with it. People started to watch the show, they started to discover the brand. Masaba Masaba saved me in a time where I didn’t know what else to do. A year after that, things stabilised and I didn’t have to shut my label down”, she added.
Masaba and Satyadeep tied the knot in January 2023. They also worked together in the show ‘Masaba Masaba’, streaming on Netflix.