Former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced ‘Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana ahead of the Delhi Assembly Elections next year. He further stated that the yojana would be enforced once the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) comes to power by winning the national capital polls.
About The ‘Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana’
Under the Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana, the temple ‘priests’ and Gurudwara ‘Granthis’ will receive an honorarium of Rs 18,000 per month. The scheme’s registrations will be tomorrow, December 31, 2024, post AAP Chief Kejriwal’s chief visit to the Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place to register the priests.
How Will Priests & Granthis Be Registered?
Speaking at the press conference, Kejriwal said the party workers, leaders, and assigned officials will visit all the temples and gurudwaras in Delhi to get them registered. Following this, a fixed amount of Rs 18,000 will be provided monthly to the priests and granthis as an honorarium. Information about the rules and regulations under the scheme is yet to be announced.
Kejriwal Highlights Contributions Of Priests & Granthis
Highlighting their often-overlooked contributions to society, Kejriwal said, “We are aware how pujaris serve us on different occasions such as birthdays of our kid and the death of dear ones. They have always connected us to God, however, they never got the time to give attention to their own families. Neither did we pay enough attention to them. This is happening for the 1st time in the country.”