The South Indian film Pushpa 2 has been in the news recently due to an unfortunate incident at the Sandhya Theatre. Tragically, a woman lost her life, and her 8-year-old son is currently hospitalized and receiving medical treatment. Today, a meeting was held between the Chairman of Film Development, Dil Raju, and the Chief Minister of Telangana, Revanth Reddy, to discuss strategies for fostering growth in the film industry and its future prospects.
CM Revanth Reddy shared his ambitious vision of transforming Hyderabad into a premier destination for both Indian films and Hollywood productions. He invited industry leaders to provide input on the infrastructure and support required to achieve this goal. Dil Raju, a prominent figure in the film industry, described the discussions as ‘very fruitful’ and mentioned that proposals would soon be drafted to present to the government.
In response to some recent discussions in the media, CM Reddy stated that reports claiming he was unhappy with the film industry are unfounded. He emphasized that he respects and supports the industry for its valuable contributions. Additionally, film producer Dil Raju apologised for the stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre. He assured everyone that the film industry is committed to taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety and support of the audience.
Allu Aravind, the father of actor Allu Arjun, was also part of the meeting. Dil Raju described it as one of the best conversations he has ever had and expressed his excitement about the strong partnership forming between the government and the film industry. Together, they aim to elevate Telugu cinema to new heights.
CM Revanth Reddy remains steadfast in his decision.
CM Revanth has shared some important updates as he announced that in Telangana, permits for benefit shows and special screenings will no longer be issued. Additionally, ticket prices will remain stable, with no hikes allowed. He also urged the film industry to play a larger role in raising awareness about critical issues such as drug abuse and women’s safety, emphasizing the importance of social responsibility for everyone.